Houzz is a powerful web site and online community about architecture, interior design and decorating, landscape design and home improvement.
If you’ve taken a look through either of Monarch Stone International’s two blogs on www.MonarchStoneInternational.com or www.HistoricEuropeanCobblestone.com or liked us on FaceBook or followed us on Twitter, you may have noticed that Monarch Stone International has a large and active page and we participate / comment on many design articles in HOUZZ. We are big fans of HOUZZ.com and think you will enjoy it too! It brings homeowners and home professionals together in a uniquely visual community.
We were recently awarded two new ‘badges’; The Influencer badge is given to pros whose advice and knowledgeable posts are most appreciated by the Houzz community, while the Recommended badge goes only to the top-rated pros on Houzz. That’s US!
What is Houzz you ask?
Houzz started with a house……
When founders Adi and Alon remodeled their home, they started the way these projects often do: with a tall stack of magazines and referrals for home professionals from people they knew. But after those piles of torn out pages failed to make their dream a reality, they felt stuck. There had to be a better way.
So they built Houzz. A place to browse and save beautiful home photos. A place to find the right design and construction professionals. A place to connect with others who have been there too. Houzz started as a side project but has become a community of more than 35 million homeowners, home design enthusiasts and home improvement professionals—across the country and around the world.
Monarch Stone International participates in the HOUZZ platform because it is wonderful visual resource to showcase our beautiful projects – plus – we can connect with so many homeowners, designers and architects.
Visit our profile for beautiful project photos and more information on all the natural stone products we specialize in! View Monarch Stone International Houzz Profile